3rd Cinema4Screen Film Festival 2023: a grand success story for filmmakers across the globe hosted in Mumbai

3rd Cinema4Screen Film Festival 20233rd Cinema4Screen Film Festival 2023

The 3rd Cinema4Screen ​Film ​Festival finale ’23 (the brainchild of Founder ​&​ Festival Director Mr. Anshuman Cho​u​diary and Co-Founder Mr. Amit Kumar) was conducted by Cinema4Screen​ Media​ on 21st​ ​&​ 22​nd​ April 2023 at Prahladrai Dalmia Lions College of Commerce and Economics, Malad (West) Mumbai​ amidst a lot of grandeur and excitement.

The event started with the lighting of the lamp by Principal ​​Dr. Kiran Mane​ ​​​& Vice Principal ​Prof. Subhashini Naik​an​r and members of the jury. More than 750 films from India and abroad had sent entries in this film festival, out of which 50 were selected and screened. ​ Approx. 200 spectators and a cast of selected films were present to watch the screening of the films.

Mrs. Rekha Gour (Advisor of All India Artist Association, Shimla) played an important role in organizing this festival​ this year. The Chief guest of the film festival​ was Actor Rohitashv Gour (TV show “Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai!” fame). Actor Rajdeep Si​c​kd​e​r (TV show “Crime Patrol” fame), ​actress Urmila Mahanta (film Pad Man, Manjhi,​ etc​), actress Tina Bhatiya (film Gully Boy, Welcome Home,​ etc.​), ​actress Jaswinder Gardner (TV show Ek Deewana Tha, Chandrakanta,​ etc.​) formed the star guests’ ensemble of ​the festival.

Mr. Sunil Gawai (Jury) of Sony India introduced the audience to the intricacies of film cameras.

The film “You Have Arrived” was promoted at the film festival, whose director and actor Rajesh Vinod Kumar was present. ​

Professor Dr. Sudipta Roy Chowdh​u​ry (Advisor), Mr. Balmik Singh, and Mr. Aditya Cho​u​diary​ had been an integral part of this festival since its inception in 2020.

We are thankful to the members of the jury panel of this film festival including director Sam​i​r Gangul​i, scriptwriter Subhash Chaturvedi, director and producer Uday Shankar Pani, cinematographer Sampad Roy, director Matin Khan, Sunil Gawai, director Rajendra Singh Tomar and director and writer Harish Patel. ​ ​The jury panel members watched the selected 50 films and announced the winning films out of these 50 films.

This year Cinema4Screen has spread its wings beyond Mumbai and has started the Eastern Indian chapter with knowledge partners in Kolkata and Jharkhand (Jamshedpur). In Kolkata, NSHM Media School (one of the noted media schools of eastern India & a unit of the NSHM Knowledge campus) will be hosting the screening of the shortlisted films soon, to cater to the large audience who could not be present during the finale screening.

Cinema4Screen has been able to fly high only because of hard work, research, and the best wishes of the film fraternity. They envision creating a pool of young and talented filmmakers who will enrich the creative spirit of the Indian silver screen and also the digital platform for years to come.

List of winning films of different categories -​ ​

 Best Music – Dharmik Samani

Best Animation – J​y​ots​na Puthran

Best International Short Film – My Little Creature​ (Spain) &​ Lost​ (France)​

Best Documentary – Beyond Blast

Best Music Video – ​Fearless (​Nirbhaya​)​

Best Short Film – Lantern​ (Dir – Sham Raut​) ​& Window Shopping​ (Dir – Soumitra Bagchi)​

Best Direct​or​ – Souvik Chakraborty

​Best VFX – Manas Sharma

Best Screenplay – Souvik Chakraborty​ (A_Knowing) & Bharat Shirsat​ (Lantern)​

Best Supporting Actor (Male) – Sanket Yadav

Best Actor (Male) – Barun Chanda

Best Actor (Female) – Mansi Bangar

Best Cinematography – Saikhom Ratan

Best Editor – Shoyeb Shaikh

Special Jury Mention – Sound of Nature, The Hunger, Thalsar-Bangsar​ & ​Together

​​Honorable Jury Mention – The Dry Leaf, Pan, Phillium (Film), Aattam​ &​ Season 4​​


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