Meet Multitalented Santosh Talekar From Small Village Lonavala Maharashtra

Meet Multitalented Santosh Talekar

Nowadays you are seeing that social media in India is ahead of the rest of the countries. And one of the most successful social media influencers in this India is a very famous person on social media, who is from a small village in Lonavala of Maharashtra, his name is Santosh Talekar, and he is from a middle-class family.

Santosh Talekar had already started his social media identity while he was a student. Despite being a student, he did photoshoots for himself even though he did not earn his income, but he did not give up, he took all his photo shoots taking help from his friends. By doing this, he shot all his photos. Likewise, all his photos went viral on the internet.


Today he has 70k followers on Instagram you can see @the_santosh_talekar by entering this username on Instagram and he also has 12k followers on Facebook. He has just started Facebook, but he has also become more fans and followers in a short span of time. Santosh Talekar has started putting his pictures on all social media and likewise, all his pictures were liked by lots of people in India. And hence today he is one of the most famous people in India.

Similarly, Santosh Talekar’s name and his followers on social media of India spread throughout the whole of India. And today he has more fans or followers than celebrities. He also has a career in real estate as he started with it and he aspires to be a famous realator and influencer in India.