Prof. Mohd Ossama – Today Now Latest News Website Thu, 15 Jun 2023 16:51:48 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Prof. Mohd Ossama – Today Now 32 32 Vision leads to National Development: Prof. Mohd Ossama Thu, 15 Jun 2023 16:51:48 +0000 India is on the rise on economic front, it’s a major growing economy. India post 1947 surpassed many phases from planning –Nehru era, to major revolutions in Agriculture, Milk, IT and to economic liberalization. Today India is a major pacific power with stable macroeconomic credentials, geopolitical stability, rule of law and modern apex institutions. In the stage of AmritKaal, India needs a comprehensive and holistic vision to calibrate the India of 2047 and hence celebrating 100 years of people’s power in world largest democracy. 100 years of India- is a view of developed India in almost all terms- trade, human development, military and economic powerhouse. India needs people and citizen centric governance and vast digital public infrastructure to empower people with major services like education, finances, health and business enterprise etc. Indian growth story is robust and participative.

Sectors like pharmaceuticals, BPM, IT/ITES and others have shown good growth. India should focus on trade surplus with China and USA, as both are major trading partners. India’s foreign trade policy should focus on key sectors of growth, international market expansion and development and S&T transfer leading to holistic development. AmritKaal needs an overall road map for businesses, exports, imports, bilateral agreements, international treaties and international alliances to foster sustainable growth.  Role of institutions like RBI, SEBI, NCLT, CCI, BIS, IRDA, PFRDA etc would be crucial for Indian businesses and major investments to blossom on Indian land on merit and equity. 

Guiding Principles of Reform, Perform and Transform

Indian government’s mantra of Reform, Perform and Transform is key to sustain the tide of business progression. Time has changed since 1947, WTO today has hundreds of members, and World Bank has a motto of poverty alleviation and loans development projects. Much needed institutional reforms must be done to increase private investments and private sector led development. Ease of doing business is all what many companies look at. Single window clearances and digital public services pathways should be encouraged. 

National Direction and National Vision 2047 

Lots need to be achieved and mammoth amount of work already has been done. India today has guarantee of information, education, food items under PDS and many social security schemes. Buffer zones should be surpassed via DBT schemes and better standardization and technology applications needs to encouraged. Billions of aspirations and billions of dreams and many cultural and linguistic ethos, all leading to one family of one nation- Bharat. Vision 2020 by Dr. Kalam, successive five year plans and various inspirational NITI Ayog reports and future directions by TIFAC, all needs to be culminated to some sort of National direction and a National Vision for a developed and leading economic peaceful power for our nation- India. Participation of the citizenry and vast youth and talented professionals should be used to forge a major alliance for Indian influence and leadership to world stage. Collective strength lies in collective leadership with participative mechanism based on justice and entitlements. India shall and has the potential be a beacon of hope to rest of the world. 

Vision for India as an Economic Powerhouse (SIAIN) developed by Prof. Mohd Ossama

Self – (Training) – Inspiration – (Training) – Aspiration-(Training)-Institution – (Training)-National Development

Prof. Mohd Ossama is a senior management teacher, trainer and award winning writer. He has taught business management at major institutions and trained numerous corporate executives. He has mentored various students and led various academic and industry programs. He can be reached at: 


Motivation and Mindset is the backbone of Success- Prof. Mohd Ossama Thu, 15 Jun 2023 16:38:03 +0000 Life seems to different to different people but all of us want satisfaction, success and prosperity. People of different cultures work together and their team still do wonders. Life management is the mastery of motivation, goals, mindset and their wise application. Life shall demand time to be invested into bonds, relationships, transactions and dear ones; it’s the time and the motivation to tell to remain ethical, purposeful and profitable to attain success. Our mind and self consciousness is key to our goals and guided path to attain the aspiration. All men are created equal, with all equal rights under the law of the land and hence our mindset, positivity and goals give us true direction to life.

Investment on our innateness and mindset requires self management, self development and self actualization and it requires correct vision of life under science and spirituality. 

Prof. Mohd Ossama in his E-Book, Life Lessons says, “Our work on professional front, societal end, community side and for national service is key to our life success and even personal excellence is awarded in life. As a principle we may invest in first part of our life, before 35 years and practice our skills and art in the second half, after 35. Life Management is key for successful, fruitful and well organized life, our life management shall get us to our destination and we may live with gratitude, wisdom and prosperity.”  

Life is indeed an oasis of happenings in which we use experience, skill, relationships, money and success to nurture to an iconic journey. Our mind relates to ethics, morality, justice, vision and above all the destined aspiration and how we want achieve it in limited time period. To develop proper mindset, innateness, inspiration and practical wisdom is required. Life returns our favor of good deeds with good fruits.  

Prof. Mohd Ossama has extensively lectured on leadership and its application in personality development. He says in his famous Book, Leadership Manual, “Leadership teaches us to excel in our field of work; excellence is a mark of a winner. We come across various situations, we play different roles, most time we showcase our personality and our ability to manage the work at hand. Personal excellence shows that we are capable of leading from front and we have the integrity, passion , responsibility and knowledge to set the example for others .Leadership

teaches personal excellence and how if we understand our true self , our ideals , our aims , our likes , shared values and vision , then we may succeed in life . Thus leadership is an art of forwarding our best behavior to service and humility for others. Passion, zeal, goals and statesmanship serves the guidelines for leadership. The components of personal excellence may be discipline, commitment, vision, self transparency, emotional intelligence, self awareness, focus and mindset etc.”

To say again, in order to achieve national development and progress, it is indeed an empowered and free mindset to evolve and there is a chain of progression of positive processes leading to final destination of all round development. 

Prof. Mohd Ossama conducts training programs for the students in Lucknow and can be reached at: 

Vision for India as an Economic Powerhouse (SIAIN) developed by Prof. Mohd Ossama

Self – (Training) – Inspiration – (Training) – Aspiration-(Training)-Institution – (Training)-National Development

Positivity And Self Management Necessary For A Productive Life- Prof. Mohd Ossama Sun, 04 Jun 2023 07:58:44 +0000 In the age of globalization, modernity, and the 4th Industrial Revolution, we aspire to be more successful and prosperous; success is a composite effort coming out of a lot of smaller and incremental efforts. We need a good and productive lifestyle, self-management, and a positive approach in life to sustain the tide of competition and climb up the career ladder. Our success depends on our self-recognition, mindset, and self-actualization. Our innateness and proper guidance and holistic development lead to sustaining success. Mind is the key, trying, sustaining, resilience, and applying leads to wellness and success.

Human development leads to physical development and economic development, so investing in humans is important. Humans manage technology and physical/infrastructure applications and hence a well-trained professional leads to more productive and long-lasting results for the community and the nation.

As India moves ahead with the vision of a USD 5 trillion economy; its agriculture, manufacturing, and services sector needs to consistently perform well. The ecosystem and drivers of the ecosystem, both are important and a trained and good managerial workforce is required to drive the momentum towards sustainable growth and development.

AmritKaal needs a new vision for the future and an inspirational plan to make India, a developed nation and economic powerhouse. India is a stable democracy, peaceful and rule of law-abiding nation with immense hopes and possibilities for the common global good. Manpower management and human resource development are key to comprehensive and robust growth.

Prof. Mohd Ossama has been a senior management teacher, writer of (15+) books, mentor at various bodies, and training & placement officer at many institutions. He has lectured and trained many students for their success in their careers and in their professional life. He has written on business, leadership, and self-development and most books are available on e-commerce websites.

His program on – Self Management & Life Lessons– aims to inculcate positivity and direction in the professional lives of many students and guiding towards successful careers. It trains students towards becoming complete business professionals in the Indian industry aiming for Indian growth and development.

Some of the topics covered by him:

  1. Knowing Oneself/Self-Discovery
  2. Self Management and Self Development
  3. Self Esteem and Self Confidence
  4. Advantages of high self-esteem people
  5. Characteristics of people with high and low self-esteem (examples)
  6. Steps to building positive self-esteem in people
  7. Leadership Skills
  8. Leadership Roles
  9. Team Building
  10. Motivational Approach to Life
  11. Time Management
  12. Stress Management
  13. Conflict Management
  14. Business Communication
  15. Etiquettes and Meetings
  16. Career Planning and Life Management
  17. Global Outlook
  18. Institution Management

The Program aims to inculcate modern-day professionalism and human values amongst students and empower them to serve well in their professional careers.

Further information is available at:  
