The Director of Madhav University Dr. Bharati Desai has nominated for the International Womens Gloria Award 2024


Glad to inform that the Director of Madhav University, Dr. Bharati Desai has been nominated for the most prestigious award “International Women’s Gloria Award” which is exclusively awarded for women by The International Awards Forum (TIAF-USA). The award will be given to those women who have excelled in their career and contributed to the society especially in their respective field. The award will be presented to her in the grand event organized by TIAF USA on March 10, 2024 at New Delhi on the account of International Women’s Day which falls in the same week. It’s a great sign of encouragement to other women that the women’s contribution is important to the society and its even more important to recognize their contribution, efforts and empower them. And TIAF-USA awards every woman like this who have successfully excelled in their field.